Katy Cropper

Faenor Bute and I have won the aggregate, for the whole of the nursery season. Altogether she has won 11 trials, 4 championships and two opens!

Faenor Bute

Katy was reserve champion at the English national sheepdog trial in the brace with Zac and Tsavo and made it into the English team also in the singles with Tsavo. The international competition will take place in September.

Katy with Zac and Tsavo

Zac had toxoplasmosis in his muscles . He picked it up in 2013 and is now back to full form. He won 8 open trials last summer, Tsavo won 7.
They will be competing in the brace and the singles at the national this year 2017.


Flash, my nursery bitch from 2015 has a second under her belt ! And has only been to 3 opens so we will have to go to a few more!


The Shap open is on the 28th of may and it will be limited to 40 dogs there is a young handlers trophy.

Shap Sheepdog Trial at the end of May was a real success! We had 74 dogs competing this year, the course was tough and Tsavo and I were knackered after letting sheep out all day. We didn’t compete at our Trial as I always think it’s cheating to run at your own! The winners were:

Alan Common with Ben – 1st Place, Gordon Watt and Reba, Jock Welsh and Cree, Richard Briggs and Fly, Colin Armstrong with Mona and Tom Huddleston with Ola.

Ricky Hutchinson judged and as usual Mike Beaty did the booking in. The trial was hard for me to do in one way as Tommy Capstick who I started the Trial with 5 years ago was in his last days and passed away 9th June – I will always run the Trial in memory of him.